Wild Mustangs!

I've got a bit of deviation from art this post.  I had hoped to post a complete art project showing beginning to end of a piece on canvas but my Studio time this past weekend was interrupted.
One of the things I did do was enjoy a few hours at the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo.
This is a huge annual event in Fort Worth or Texas for that matter.  It has become an Anniversary outing for my husband and I as it always falls during our Anniversary which makes it nice also.
Anyway back to the Mustangs part of this post....

Have any of your watched on National Geographic channel the Mustang Millionaire show?  It's about cowboys & cowgirls that take a wild mustang and have 4 months to tame it, ride it, teach it show tricks etc.  It's absolutely fascinating that this can be done within such a short time.
This year we had hoped to watch the Mustang Magic finals that are a part of the FW Stock Show but getting there over an hour early left us standing in the hallway to the arena packed like beans with no more seats available.  We were so disappointed.  (Apparently everyone else has watched the show!)
Being acquainted with one of the contestants-- 
We had really hoped to watch this event.  It's already on next years calendar!  So if you like/love horses you might want to check out this link to these Finals from this past weekend, which gives you a small taste as to what they can train these horses to do. 


Back next time with art!!  Enjoy!

A Rough start

Unfortunately this new year is getting off to a bit of a rough start.  Family members having some health issues and problems and that is just never a good thing.  While I started a painting last week I haven't had the chance to finish it yet so hope to post it next post.  I have however been in the art journal/sketch book so have a couple of things to share from there..

Both of these are sometimes easier said than done.  Which is why I probably needed reminding as I did them! :)   Until next time.....

Sun Flooded Studio!

As I enjoy a day in the Studio today I'm accompanied by sun streaming into my space.  It's wonderful!
And given the calendar is showing already the 11th of January, (I've been a bad blogger), I absolutely am loving this winter day!
My mind has been busy with projects of re-organization, focus, growth, options, and it can be quite frankly tiring! I best stay with "focus".
I freshened up my blog and website header.  I've still got to update my Etsy shop soon and put products in the store as well. But since the holidays I have stepped away from the sketchbook and journaling long enough to do a painting.
She's my brunette girl on a 12 x 24 canvas.  For some reason I have been doing alot of girls lately.

Be Brave  on  Canvas Board
Wood panel
Sometimes I think faces "define" what someone  is seeing in art so I don't always feel comfortable putting faces on my girls.
So check back as I promise to post more new art plus some already completed art!  Have a wonderful weekend too!