Today's accomplishment...

I primed an 18 x 24 canvas friday night I think it was in anticipation of spending some time today in the studio.  At the time I was prepping this canvas I just wasn't sure what I wanted to do.  Collage, paint and what was it going to be?  Luckily I sketch and draw and journal every night because last night my efforts developed what ended up on canvas today!
So I started in with my usual colors.  Which brings me to another thought.  Why do I keep buying different colors?  I mean really?  If I am going to be drawn to the same one's time and time again!
I digress.  But as I worked with this canvas I really enjoyed it.  I wanted to complete it today so I was hurried a bit but I am happy with the outcome.
Now I'm looking forward to the upcoming holiday weekend.  I have website updates I have ready to do, plus could I actually get the etsy store ready too?  Check back to see!

Busy being Creative

I have started my 2nd art journal for the year this past week. Yeah!  Happiness! Having completed one it is so good to look back and see what good days and bad days (with my art) look like.  And I have a 3rd one going as well since the beginning of the year.  It's a bit bigger than I like and so I seem to go to less often.
Aside from the art journaling and sketching I've spent a bit of time in the studio cranking out a couple of  canvases, a clock (another post later), and today retreated back to a chunky wood piece. 
I was doing these all the time awhile back but hadn't done one in quite some time.  My husband was in his workshop so it made it easy to get one of these cut and I was off to create.
Meanwhile he created this fabulous piece for me!! :)

 He is so talented as a wood worker!  Building is one thing but, when he does art with wood he never fails to impress me.  He can "turn" beautiful bowls and boxes.  This however, is something totally different.  Inspired by my daughter in law and a creation similar she had done using utensils, he made quite a unique piece.
Of course I am his biggest fan!
So creativity has been busy in our household and hope you are finding some inspiration this summer as well.

Idle Hands

I mixed it up a bit this week. I grabbed a magazine and sat down in front of the tv. Not to read of course but to cut it up!  Unfortunately I had to lop this poor gals head off and with a bit of glue, paper and markers gave her a makeover.  (She is welcome!)
It was fun and put my idle hands to work.  Grabbed a few more images and will probably do a couple more "makeovers" before I'm through.  Silly is good right?!
This weekend I start my 2nd art journal of the year.  I've finished one completely and bought a new one to begin yesterday. Happiness!  Of course had to feed my addiction to pens and paint while I was purchasing so really excited to try the new ones out. Until next time....
Have a great week!