My goodness! I last posted when?!! Well I'll try to catch up on a few things.
First off it is springtime. A favorite time of year for me here in Texas. Summers all oppressive and all, this time of year is grand!
Currently I'm on a creative binge which is producing lots of ideas and art as well. Getting it posted and up for sale are tasks I don't enjoy as I'd much rather be creating but are necessary evils and I have to get better at that too.
First off I've got lots of art that I'm putting into prints and preparing to sell. This is just one that's currently on my website.
And cards.....most of my art is available as a card or a post card.
Other happenings around the studio involve this project, remember it?
Well its four years ago, yes four that I bought this to makeover to take to events and festivals. These things might be small but take alot of work. Just ask my husband! He has done an awesome job on executing my vision on the inside and yesterday I painted this old table that will go in it as well.
Normally I'm very adverse to painting over wood, especially antiques and pieces from the past, but this table really called for it. It had fingernail polish all over the top on one side. Next up is the outside paint. Picked my colors this weekend so now for the perfect outside day with time available to paint and it will be go time! Progress is happening...yay!!
New art has been steadily flowing which is always good. That is not always the case! I'm really jazzed about these journal/notebooks I've created covers for.
I've had fun designing and making these and they too will be available for sale soon. Limited quantities!
So that's an update and until next time hope you are finding time to create too!!