Happy Paint Party Friday!

After taking a week off from participating with everyone over at paintpartyfriday I'm happy to have a moment to browse through many of the posting over there and join in!
Last week I found myself looking at the studio and thinking, I've been really messy!!  I mean... out of control... this space has to be cleaned up kind of messy.  So with task at hand I cleaned.
What I found interesting was that in looking at older works I realized my own growth in my art.

So look what I now have----
Lots of panels, boards and canvas that I simply feel like they are not worthy of keeping.  They will become the backgrounds and inspiration for new pieces.  Yeah!
Plus, and I may need an opinion on this, I've begun a new organization system.

Canvas Boards

Canvas Sheets

I grabbed soft binders, clear plastic sleeves, and put in my canvas boards.  This way I've got binders to organize not shuffle through stacks of boards.  Good idea?  I'll let you know.  Because this takes them out of my view.  Not on display but half the time they are in stacks anyway.
Then I did the same for my canvas sheets.  Binders for these also.

This weekend looking for a more "inspiring and creative" time in the studio.   Happy Halloween!

Happy Paint Party Friday!

Woohoo!  Friday!  And this week finds me with today in the studio.  Every once in awhile I like to collage with images from magazines and play around with what I can create that way.  See more here. It  pushes me to create something funky and fun starting with cut out pieces and then expanded upon.
Collage on canvas with paint, markers & paper.
Because this makes me "work" at loosening up it usually takes me longer than anything else I do to finish.  This probably means I need to do more of this!
This weekend I plan on cracking open some brand new Twinkling H2O's and playing with watercolor.   Enjoy your fall weekend everyone!

See more great blogs here

Finding Joy

Hi friends!  Today is a great lazy day for me.  I don't usually allow myself to just "not do" what needs to be done.  But today is a day of real relaxation.  This equates to "joy" to me.  It's not always easy to find you know? 
As I've mentioned before I have friends battling cancer, friends battling other BIG issues, and now a friend of my sons who is rather another "son" to us looking at a long road of recovery from what could have been a deadly vehicle accident a week ago.  Joy is definitely not easy to find!
But I hope it is not eluding you and you are having a wonderful weekend.