Todays topic: Winter

Let me begin by saying that winter is really a relative term.  Winter to some is definitely not winter to others.  Let me explain.  I live in Texas.  This morning, after a rainy day yesterday we awoke to a scene like this one from the front of our house.

By most standards, this looks harmless.  After all we moved here in a January years ago, leaving the Northwest where there was snow.  Lots of snow.  And bitter cold.  This scene looks somewhat pitiful on the winter scale.  But in Texas this IS winter.  Ice usually, as this is, and usually takes everyone out of commission for a day or two.  Then we get back to normal. 
So I threw out some bird seed as I doubled up on the socks and coffee this morning.

They came in masses shortly hereafter.
Word was out!
One of our 8 mos old puppies watching.
Yes, I know he doesn't look like a puppy!
(So glad we kept 3 of these!!)

Which leads me to my point about winter.  Most folks in the North, Northwest and especially this year the East would be laughing at us over a day like this.  Even I when we moved here mumbled how we could ride motorcycles year round in comparison to winters we knew.  But winter is a relative term and well....for here and for today.... it is winter!
As for studio time I'm working on a canvas I started yesterday-

plus I put together another little piece that is posted over on my instagram.  Keep warm!

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