Having been sick all week, (sinus infection), today was the first day I have felt like spending time in the studio. Yes, this causes me great distress but nothing I can or could do about it.
I came across an article in the recent Somerset Life magazine and found a bit of inspiration put into action today. Teresa McFayden, had a piece published where she had created some small "folio's" which I thought were very cute. My first thought was not the dreaded sewing machine! I own one, don't know how to use it well, and don't have and never will desire to invest the time or brain cells necessary to efficiently operate one! My second small obstacle was I had only flipped through the magazine, not purchasing it in lieu of a book I invested in.
So armed with resources I had available, and including some simple stitching on the ends of my folio with the sewing machine, here is my folio!
I have a sewing machine from my mother... and I do not know how to use it much either! lol These turned out so cute! So happy you joined us to share 'in the studio' this week! :)