Ever had someone encourage you to pursue a dream, make the first move, tell you they’ll follow you onto the dance floor, or not to let doubt and disbelief stand in your way?
I have several of those people in my life who have remarked about my writings, their entertainment value, my observances, personal stories or rants of some sort. That was the original reason for this blog back in 2009 which at the time was a natural extension of the then Twist of Pink E-Magazine.
I found myself with a love for paper, paint, markers and canvas. So besides sarcasm and writing I realized a great joy in creating anything that doesn’t involve a sewing machine! When empty nesting happened a few years back I seized the opportunity to turn now vacant space, (thank you son), into a creative room. Sure the family scoffed and figured this would pass, encouraging me with rolled eyes, just sure that this was a passing fancy. However, now several years later and in a different creative space I am still discovering the delights of mixed media art and looking forward to sharing with those of you who visit Twist of Pink.

Jana, I am so impressed with you! Love your site, and think you are very talented, but mostly impressed with your "follow through" to do this creative thing in your busy life. Good for you! You are an inspiration to me, and I encourage you to "keep it up"!